movimento (fisso)sulle biciclettesulle parole  
Fixed gear
Fixed gear
Theory & practice


This website was created from my need to have a personal movement coherent with our necessities. Before even starting to talk about it, I started building my own bikes silently, giving them a personal cut and starting from an idea, the simplicity of the vehicle has to be obvious, and it’s beauty has to be exalted, the elegance of a bicycle has to be honoured by whom creates it, basically the same person who will then use it. These bikes are intended as unique pieces, they are exhibited every know and then.

Movimentofisso; because we are always moving, even when we are sleeping, because we are a nomad tribe that has spent millions of years moving around the planet, picking up remains from other predators and learning how to predate ourselves. To move oneself using our own strength is tiring, and this has taught us our sense of limits.
This sense today has disappeared, or very strongly repressed. We feel omnipotent. The sign of our presumptuous way of life can be seen everywhere around us; our cities, our mechanical slaves which have become our owners and killers, our nobility has been buried under inducted desires and our fear of an absent future as we destroy our present.
Let’s go back to simple movement. Let’s take control of our first locomotion vehicle, our body.
The bicycle is our only necessary luxury item.

Italy, today, now This website is published under Creative Commons License