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The beautiful lady beside us is the new world champion of track point racing, the most spectacular race amongst the ones seen in a velodrome.
She’s Italian, her name is Vera Carrara.
Vera managed to obtain a gold medal at the world championships in Los Angeles at the end of March. She conquered it with strength, conducting an exemplary run, commentators said next to perfection. She managed to beat the best athletes worldwide, including the previous four times world champion.
In one hundred laps she pushed and controlled, she took and gave space and at the end she simply took all the space away from the other athletes to end up being one lap ahead of her opponents and begin to double lap them.
Therefore the picture here beside is not a picture of a beautiful woman you would see in calendars as most pictures of beautiful women seen around: it’s an image of a real and concrete woman who spent a year training with one aim: to become the best of all.
Vera brought the title for the first time to Italy: it had never happened before.
She did an exploit.
Her beauty now can be better appreciated.

Italy, today, now This website is published under Creative Commons License